Full Name
Mr. Joseph Kwan
School or Organization
BC Association for Advancing Communications
Joe is the father of two wonderful boys. His eldest son is minimally-verbal and proficient in using an AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) device to communicate his thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Joe serves on the Board of a large non-profit organization (that promotes community living and inclusion) and is passionate about promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion. Joe and his wife co-founded BCAAC (a non-profit society to support children with disabilities) and hosted PANDA AAC Camp at UBC the past 3 summers: https://elvlc.educ.ubc.ca/2023/07/29/panda-aac-camp-global-news-feature/. Joe is a lifelong learner and completed his third Master’s degree (the Master of Educational Technology Program at the University of British Columbia): https://met.ubc.ca/2022/07/parents-take-met-program-together-to-support-son-and-pay-it-forward/.
Joseph Kwan