How to Build a Vibrant Professional Learning Network on Twitter
Who's got time for Twitter? As it turns out, anyone. Twitter is fast, light, and with a few simple strategies in place can reliably deliver content that will spark your thinking and inspire your professional practice.
In this workshop, we'll create a Twitter account, follow other CEBC and NWCSI educators, and learn the basics of tweeting, tagging, replying, and retweeting. We'll look at recent examples of educators around the world who are only too happy to answer professional questions and share resources. We'll also reply to some of SCSBC Director of Learning Darren Spyksma's latest thought-provoking "Ed Thoughts of the Day" and build new collegial connections across CEBC and NWCSI.

Date & Time
Thursday, November 10, 2022, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Location Name
RGK 201