Eden Explains Everything

Culture is shaped by core beliefs and assumptions, shared virtues and behaviours; and symbols of significance. In Christian schools, culture is founded and framed by the biblical story and a commitment to flourishing through Kingdom Education with Christ central, holding all things together. Working from the “beginnings” text of Genesis 1-2, we will link flourishing to the idea of fruitfulness, and Christian learning to cultural transformation - “New culture, yes - coup, no” – seen through the lens of biblical justice, humility and love which are the proper expression of responsive and responsible discipleship – and this with God’s new creation purpose in view. The biblical vision of the new creation future is a God illuminated world of justice, love, and humble worship in a fruitful global community of unity and peace made perfect by and offered to God, the source of true flourishing.

Dan Fennell
Date & Time
Friday, November 12, 2021, 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM
Location Name