Systemic Sabbath-Keeping – Creating a Culture of Trust

Teachers and school leaders will be invited to look at their patterns, schedules, and routines through the lens of Sabbath-keeping with the goal of deepening a culture of trust in God through a closer look at the role of Sabbath in the life of the school. Drawing on the works of Rowan Williams and Walter Brueggemann, participants will be invited to see how small decisions in the life of the school can lead to flourishing of staff and students through a bold act of trust in God. Sabbath-keeping is not for the faint of heart, it takes discipline and commitment, yet it is an invitation into a life of faithfulness with our Creator and Redeemer.

Darren Spyksma
Date & Time
Friday, November 12, 2021, 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Location Name