Responding to a Critical Incidents for Administrators
Date & Time
Thursday, November 12, 2020, 10:45 AM - 11:30 AM
Jenny Williams

The possibility of a sudden unexpected critical incident such as the death of a student or staff member is
devastating for the school community. Traumatic events can have a profound impact on staff and
students and how we respond during a crisis will impact the recovery of a school community. When a
school is dealing with a crisis, it is necessary to make many important decisions in a short period of time
in a state of extreme stress. With information, thoughtful planning, and school and community
cooperation, schools can weather these crises and even grow stronger through the most challenging
situations. So how can administrators become more prepared?
This session will deal with:
 Types of critical incidents that schools face
 Common reactions after a critical incident
 Hearing from administrators who have experienced school crises
 Some important considerations for administrators before and during a crisis
 Critical Incident Response training opportunities

Session Type
Session A
Virtual Session Link
Presenter Slides